Stepping Through Shin Splints

Stepping Through Shin Splints

Shin splints torment many athletes and amateurs alike. If you haven’t experienced it for yourself, you have no doubt heard about the pain it causes in the lower leg, around the front or inside of the shin bone (tibia), and how debilitating the pain can be. Generally, it is a result of over exertion, which places too much strain on the bone and associated tissue. This leads to inflammation, increased pressure and therefore pain. Numbness and weakness in the feet may even follow if exertion is continued.

Before you go self-diagnosing, we advise that you promptly seek medical advice!

An accurate assessment will ensure that you are receiving, and applying, the most appropriate treatment for your condition. What may appear to be a soft-tissue injury, could in fact involve a hairline fracture.

So don’t delay in seeking professional advice as it will save you a lot of pain and get you active again much safer and faster. At 13th Beach Health Services, Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove, we are a multi service clinic with a variety of qualified practitioners. Call us today on (03) 5254 2668 to see how our experienced team can help you.

Knowing the causes may help in preventing or reducing the severity of shin splints. So, what are the causes of shin splints?

There can be many and varied influences at play. Some of the key risk factors to be aware of include:

  • Pushing too hard, too soon
  • Overstraining the associated muscle and connective tissues (possibly due to an anatomical abnormality)
  • Using incorrect training techniques
  • Wearing inappropriate shoes (old/worn, lacking in required support)
  • Overpronation of the feet (flat sole, feet roll inwards)
  • Training on hard surfaces, such as concrete
  • Poor flexibility or muscle strength
  • Engaging in sports requiring sudden stops and starts

How can you manage shin splints at home?

Whilst you are waiting to speak to a professional for advice, there are some steps you can take to help in easing the discomfort at home. Depending on the severity, you may need to rest the area for a day or more, easing back into activity, or reduce the amount and intensity of activity. The application of ice may also help in reducing any inflammation.

However, to receive the best course of treatment and the best results it is highly recommended that you seek the assistance from one of our world class practitioners as soon as possible. Here at 13th Beach Health Services we have an experienced team of practitioners, covering Podiatry, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Clinical Pilates, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy, to cater for your individual needs. The earlier you receive intervention the quicker you can gain improvement, and prevent further issues from arising. Alternatively, the longer you leave it, the more your body will make adjustments to compensate. The longer this goes on, the more time it will take to fully recover as you will have those additional “compensations” to rectify.

For a professional assessment and advice, please call our friendly team at 13th Beach Health Services on (03) 5254 2668 or book online at and get better sooner rather than later.


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