Barwon Heads Triathlon

Are you ready? TIPS AND DRILLS

Hi everyone, we hope you had a great, relaxing Christmas and New Year and you’re all motivated to jump into the 8 week training program for the 13th Beach Health Services ‘2019 Barwon Heads Triathlon’ on the 3rd of March.
We are proud to be involved with such a relaxed, friendly event so it’s perfect for people of all ages and abilities.
The 8 week program is designed by experienced Triathlon coach Adam Beckworth from Beckworth Racing in Geelong and is a great program that will allow you to get to the start line feeling fit and healthy so you can really enjoy the experience on the day.
Please click on the link to watch Dave Proctor from 13th Beach Health Services and Adam Beckworth from Beckworth Racing discussing this great event.
Remember, please feel free to send us an email or private facebook message if you would like to discuss any questions regarding your training or if you have any injury concerns.
Dave & the team at 13th Beach Health Services


Make An Appointment

Call or make an appointment to have your questions answered by friendly, knowledgable professionals, we look forward to meeting you.